Ancestors of the alpaca and llama are believed to have migrated from the North American southwest to the Andean region some 50 million years ago.
They were domesticated by Indians in the Andean region about 7,000 years ago.
Alpacas and llamas are distant relatives of the African Dromedary camel and the Asian Bactrian camel.
The fiber of the Alpaca was used by the Incans alongside cotton fiber to make cloaks & robes (mainly used by royalty), rugs, hangings and wall tapestries for palaces and temples.
The Alpaca's finest fiber was only used for Incan royalty and hence is sometimes referred to as the royal fiber.
There are two distinct breeds of alpaca: Huacaya and Suri.

Alpacas evolved from the vicuña; llamas evolved from the guanaco.
The Huacaya makes up about 90% of the world alpaca population and produces a fleece that has a crimp or wavy quality.
The Huacaya fleece comes in a great variety of black, grey, brown, fawn and white colors and shades.
The Suri produces a longer, lustrous fine fiber that has no crimp and hangs in long curls.
The purebred Suri (not interbred with Huacaya) is white in color.
Visit the farm and learn more about these wonderful animals.